Serving New York, New Jersey, and Florida for 40 Years! FREE ESTIMATES: (718) 356-0095

Safety Inspection & Repair

The most important thing you can do for your deck is to make sure it is maintained and up to code.  Even a deck that appears to be in pristine condition could become a hazard due to a variety of factor including damage from heavy wind and exposure, rusted metal part, rot,  poor reenforcement, not being built to construction code or even cut corners in the quality of materials used.  An improperly constructed or maintained deck can become unsafe and lead to damage of personal property or even injury.
Deck Master can help keep your deck in top shape with our Deck inspection and repair services.  We offer a comprehensive 8 point inspection that covers the key points of failure for your deck:
To get started on your inspection, Request a Quote
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Please take a few minutes to browse through our website to learn more about how we can help you with your next carpentry project. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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© Deck Master Home Improvement
Expert Deck Builders in New York, New Jersey, and Florida